Gala Underwriting Opportunities - Click Here



At Cherokee Elementary School, we are proud to provide students with an exceptional education, and
this year we proudly celebrate 50 years of excellence in our community! As a Scottsdale Unified
School, Cherokee Elementary School lays the foundation for our students’ academic and social futures, a task that cannot be accomplished without the support of our incredible community.

Commemorating 50 years of excellence has been the theme of our 2024-2025 school year, and we
celebrate not only this legacy that has been established over five decades, but also the growth of our
impact across the Scottsdale community. This growth is due to the longstanding support from our
families, local businesses, and community leaders like you.

We are excited to celebrate this monumental milestone this year at our Annual Spring Gala for Cherokee parents and supporters.

Our fundraiser, Cherokee’s Disco Gala, will take place on March 22, 2025, and will be a walk down
memory lane as we celebrate like our founders would have in 1974. This auction, hosted by the
Cherokee Association of Parents and Teachers (APT), is instrumental in funding the programs and the
education of children in our community. The funds raised through the auction will provide our students
and our community with the education, support, and enrichment that they have grown to expect from
our exceptional school and go directly to our teachers and our diverse student population and provide
help to our hard working staff and students with non state funded programs, such as:

• Teacher aides in all classrooms

• Enrichment of our students through our STEAM programs, which provide creative and dynamic
opportunities in the areas of science, technology, engineering, art and mathematics

• Supplies and support for all staff at our school including reading and math specialists, our
music, art, physical education teachers, and our social worker

We are writing to ask for your help in maintaining this history of excellence as a top school, not only in
this community, but in Arizona. It is our hope that you will join us by making a monetary donation, or an
item donation for our auction. This is one of our main fundraisers, and your donation makes a direct
difference in the education of our students. Being a donor or sponsor for our spring gala will provide visibility for your business, not only at Cherokee Elementary, but throughout Paradise Valley.

On behalf of the Cherokee staff, and its 700+ students and their families, we are grateful for your
consideration and look forward to new and continued partnerships that elevate the level of education
that we are able to offer at Cherokee Elementary School. Thank you for helping us grow!